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Kingdom Resources

Are you looking to enhance your spiritual growth and have a desire to become more like Jesus?

You can try and learn how to be like Jesus on your own. You will get somewhere.

But the fast tract to thinking and believing like Him is by connecting yourself to the operating Body of Christ. We do that by utilizing Jesus’s gifts he gave the body in order to mature.

Run your race by grabbing the baton from the previous generations and the current imitators of Christ. Equip yourself with tools (mindsets) that will help build your life in Christ.

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Select a topic that interests you and gain access to a wealth of incredible resources

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Note that these resources are NOT limited to these individuals. This just a collection of some people that heavily impacted my walk. I just wanted to create a platform of direction for anyone who is hungry for the more of God.


I can’t encourage you enough to dig in more into their ministries. These are some of Christ’s gifts to his Church. Read their books, listen to their podcasts, do their ecourse. Feed that spirit of yours!

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Hearing God’s VOice

God’s voice is not limited to the Bible and the language you speak. He communicates in so many different ways!

Circled Thin
Sheep Silhouette Illustration

“My Sheep Hear My Voice”

Fun Short Youtube Clip

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You can’t consistently do or be what you don’t believe you are. Whether your beliefs are true or false, your beliefs are so powerful. Lets find out who God says you are.

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Stick Figure Man

Identity Sketch

Fun Illustration Video

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HealiNG The SICK

Jesus was not about getting people to go to Heaven. He was about getting Heaven into people.

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“Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride (the Church) has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear. (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God’s holy people.)”

Revelation 19:7-8

Dann Farrelly

Rediscover Bethel Series

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Jesus didn’t die on the cross and raise 3 days later for you to struggle your way into Heaven. His Blood is powerful enough to get Heaven into you. That means any demonic stronghold in your life can be broken off!